Whether by choice or not, you are undoubtedly
fulfilling your duty and self-isolating in your home, during the current
pandemic of Coronavirus -know as COVID19. Perhaps that means you must stay at
home for a while, to work from home, or, unfortunately, it means you are
incapable to go to work at all.
In all cases, the present situation with SARS-Cov-2 is as serious as the
same with the historical pandemics, and the whole world is needed to take it
that way. Being quarantined doesn’t mean at all wasting your daily time, just
because you are being called to your warm sofa right away, yet it doesn’t mean
that time must to be wasted on mourning the sweet old days and watching
unpleasant series.
Certainly, soothing yourself during the quarantine isn’t a bad idea,
especially if your work is already an anxious or stressing one, or your
personality doesn’t bear being locked up for a long time, but you can also spear
this extra time at home focusing on more productive ways than TV series, like
self-improvement and working at home.
Here are some fruitful things you can do while self-quarantining, so you
can stay productive and improve yourself:
Yes, Read some books!
Abraham Lincoln said once: “a capacity and taste for reading gives access to
whatever has already been discovered by others”
How many
times have you said you wanted to read more and more books, but you didn’t have
the enough time for that? Well, on the bright side of all this situation, you
have just been offered nothing but time! So, take the initiative, prepare your
books and start reading regularly each day.
On the
one hand, reading improves significantly your skills and intellectual
capacities, makes you go through experiences without bearing negative
consequences and enhances your linguistic and intellectual competences -which
you will need in the post pandemic world.
On the
other hand, reading is a strong bastion against boredom; you’ll find rapidly
yourself hooked into other fictional worlds, experiences and times, making you
wonder why it took you so long to start reading.
Learn new skills
your capacities by enrolling in different courses can also be convoyed by
learning new skills, for instance; this could be learning the rules of a new game
like chess, or how to play a musical instrument like piano, or anything that
stimulates your brain and takes and experience time to get to grips with.
an instrument is enjoyable -especially during quarantine, yet it is a creative
way to keep you entertained and learning at the same time.
Start learning a new language!
fluent in different languages is a skill that no one should underestimate; it
certainly increases you chances of getting a job and it makes your travels
abroad a lot easier and cheaper.
How many
times have you said that you would like to learn a foreign language? Well, I am
confident you have many times over the past years. Now you have enough time to
do so. With the several apps that you can download anytime on your phone, you
can start learning whatever language you chose so easily and at no cost.
Exercise at home
Going to the gym is not an affordable option right now, but there is no
reason to worry about, even if exercise equipment and tools are not available
at home; The crucial thing is that you keep your muscles moving, get your blood
pumping correctly and sweat as much as you can, thus benefiting your mind and
body equally.
there are plenty of ways to stay
in shape indoors. Browse Google or YouTube for workout videos (there are A LOT
of them!) or join an online fitness community. You can also challenge friends
and family members to an activity competition -using different Apps for that,
so you can keep yourself engaged without losing fun.
Why not experimenting on social media?
Sure, you
certainly use different social media platforms each day: Facebook to connect
with your friends and family, LinkedIn for your professional activities and to
keep track of your professional network, you may also use Twitter and/or
Instagram occasionally for fun or keeping up with the news. However, you can do
so much more and experiment with these available platforms to you as well as
connect with like-minded people.
your own page on Instagram, Facebook or twitter and share your ideas and
hobbies with likeminded people worldwide, if you have enough courage, you can
make videos -about whatever you want- and share them via YouTube. Instead of
being a passive consumer of these platforms, extra time of quarantine may push
you a little further while dealing with the social media.
You can
also try other platforms; for instance, why not signing up to Pinterest (with
322 million active users) which is a platform where you can share photos and
articles of the most popular content including science, traveling, fashion,
food, decor, fitness, and DIY related pins.
On the
other hand, if you are found of fruitful discussions, Reddit (with more than 430
million active users) might be better suited for you, it consists of discussion
communities (subreddits) for you to discover and learn new content.
Keep your mind busy
It is just
as important to workout your mind as it is your body, spending hours on watching
TV and scrolling thoughtlessly on your phone and social media apps do the exact
opposite, furthermore, the mindless activity can even make you feel depressed
and nervous.
There are
several ways to get the mind working : Like reading books ‘as we mentioned
above), solving puzzles manually or on apps, all that offer a range of paybacks:
Improved short and long term memory, vigilant attention, better problem-solving
skills and increased IQ are just some of them -which you certainly will need
after the quarantine.
training can take many forms; Sudoku puzzles, jigsaws, crosswords or other
manual puzzles which can be purchased easily. You can also visit the App
Store/Play Store on your mobile and access a variety of games that stimulate
the mental activity. Set about half-hour per day to try a puzzle, you don’t
even need to complete it, just setting a specific time and then aiming to
complete the puzzle in the allocated time is surely enough.